Do you religiously run data integrity checks on your Adagio data? And do you then back up that tested data? Sadly, many Adagio users do neither of these things, and they are putting their data at risk as a result. If you fall into this group, resolve to protect your data in 2017!
Fortunately this can be easily achieved. Adagio DataCare automatically checks all your Adagio data, unattended. Set it once and forget it! If you are running multiple Adagio modules, or working with multiple company data sets, Adagio DataCare will provide peace of mind and ensure the integrity of your accounting data. DataCare provides both a File Integrity Check for all modules, and Application Integrity Check for all core modules.
Set up Adagio DataCare once, and let it work its magic every night while your accounting staff are at home. It opens and reads all your accounting data files, validates the information in the files, and creates a log of the work performed. Tell DataCare to run a job at a specific time, and leave it running on your desktop, or let the Windows Scheduler automatically launch DataCare and execute the checking you need overnight.
Create DataCare jobs, identifying which modules to check, and what to do on success or failure. Automatically create backups, and copies of backups on alternative machines on your network, or integrate with VitalEsafe for secure, offsite backups, protecting you from hard disk failure. DataCare will automatically keep as many backup sets as you desire, and remove obsolete backups automatically.
Use DataCare to automatically compact your accounting data, freeing up space from records marked for deletion. Smaller files mean faster backups, faster day ends and posting and an overall performance improvement.
DataCare will automatically send you an e-mail on success or failure of the integrity check. You can even have the job log transmitted as part of the e-mail too.
The peace of mind DataCare provides is invaluable. If you don’t have DataCare installed, call us today to set up an appointment. You’ll be glad you did.
This is an excerpt from The Score Adagio newsletter. Find more issues, technical tips and more here.