If you are an Adagio user you may already be familiar with the Show Me How Videos on Softrak’s YouTube channel. This library is a great resource of short (2-5 minute) clips explaining Adagio Accounting’s most commonly used or frequently sought out features.

Here are the Top Five Most Frequently Viewed Videos from 2023.

Adagio Payables Invoice Processing:

This video demonstrates how to create invoice batches in Adagio Payables, and how to use distribution codes to speed entry and break out tax amounts.

Adagio Ledger – Year End – Close Fiscal Year

When the fiscal year in Adagio Ledger is complete, see the final step in Year End, including posting the auditor correcting entries.

Adagio Payables – Manual Checks

This video demonstrates how to enter manual check batches in Adagio Payables, describing the different payment types and when they are to be used.

Adagio Financial Reporter – Create Drag and Drop Statements

Creating new financial statements is a breeze, when all you have to do is drag an account layout to a blank sheet, select desired column information, and let the Financial Reporter do the rest!

Adagio Payables – System Checks

This video describes how Adagio Payables selects vendor invoices for payment, how to modify the amounts to be paid on the fly, and what happens when the checks and advices are printed and posted.

We encourage you to check out the Softrak Video Library on YouTube, and also take a look at these other free resources for Adagio Accounting users.