Adagio Support Tip Of The Month: Alert for On Hold Vendors

Jul 10, 2018

Question: Is there a place to turn the sound off when selecting Vendors that are on hold? I understand the usefulness, but I use a lot of hold vendors and every time I select one of them I get the alert sound and then again when I go to enter anything. It’s driving me insane!

I use the Hold feature to stop payments from being generated to vendors that I pay by EFT etc. Maybe there’s a better way?

Answer: Yes, there is a better way. To prevent inadvertently paying the EFT Vendors in a System Check run, assign one of 2 Report Groups to each Vendor: “CHQ” or “EFT”. Then, on the System Check run screen, use “CHQ” for the Report Group starting and ending values.

Also, Report Groups can be easily imported from Excel. Here’s a fast way to set all your “On Hold” vendors to the Report Group “EFT”:

  • On the Vendor Grid, Press F6 to bring up the SmartFinder.
  • Adjust the Grid Columns to show Vendor number, Vendor Name, Vendor Status (On Hold) and Report Group.
  • Set the SmartFinder Rule to select all vendors where Vendor Status = 1.
  • Send the resulting list to Excel and save the file in amongst your Adagio Data, turning off the Total Row.
  • Create an import template to import this Excel Sheet using File | Import | Vendors.
  • Choose the Vendor Code Field and four Fillers (You don’t actually need to import anything other than the Vendor Code).
  • Set the default Values for Vendor Status to “0” and Report Group to “EFT”.
  • Don’t allow the addition of New Vendors.
  • Say the First Row contains Headings.
  • Make a backup.
  • Process the import.
  • Check the changes have been made as you expect.

This tip was inspired by a posting on the Softrak Technical Support Forum, where registered Adagio Accounting users can post questions to get answered by Softrak, members of the Adagio Consultant community, and fellow Adagio Accounting users. Be sure to check it out!